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Budugu Success Meet

Psychological thriller ‘Budugu’ that features Manchu Lakshmi, Sridhar Rao, Master Prem and Baby Dolly in important roles, was released on April 17 and is receiving positive response from the audience and critics. On this occasion, the film unit has arranged a success meet in Hyderabad. The film was directed by Manmohan. Bhaskar and Sarika Srinivas have produced the film under Hyderabad Film Innovates Pvt. Ltd. banner with Sudhir as presenter. Indraja played psychiatrist role in the film.

Speaking on the occasion, Sarika Srinivas said, “’Budugu’ was released in 100 theaters in both Telugu states on April 17. With the positive talk that got to the film, 30 more theaters were added on April 18. The film is receiving good response from the audience as well as from critics. Especially, it was connected to family audience. Pre climax scenes stood as highlight for the film. Manchu Lakshmi garu gave wonderful performance in mother role. The film will earn good name and recognition to Master Prem. Background score has taken the film to the next level.”

“‘Budugu’ is the story of an 8-year-old child Bunny who suffers from physiological problems. It is a child based physiological thriller. The story is based on the real life incidents. We have brought the film to the audience on April 17, and we are very happy that theaters were increased on the second day. By watching the trailer, everyone will think that it is a horror film. But, it’s a family movie. The film is receiving good response beyond our expectations. Sridhar and Lakshmi have acted well in the film,” said director Manmohan.

Sridhar Rao said, “Mainly, audience will enjoy the second half of the film. The film has no vulgar scenes or nonsense language. It’s a clean movie. It’s a must watch film for everyone. Background score came out wonderfully for each and every frame.”

Master Prem Babu thanked everyone for making the film a big success.
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Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu
Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu
Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu
Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu
Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu
Budugu Budugu Budugu Budugu
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