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Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release

Charmi, Rahul and Saranya in central roles, ‘Prema Oka Maikam’ is taking its shape under the direction of writer cum director Chandu. Dhuddu Venkat Suresh and K Surya Srikanth are jointly producing the film on Touring Talkies banner. The audio and trailers were launched on Sunday evening in Hyderabad. Sreenu Vaitla released the first audio CD and presented it to Sukumar and Meher Ramesh released the trailers. Other prominent personalities who attended the function were Chandra Siddharth, Madan, Sagar, Suresh Kondeti and Sunil Kumar Reddy and Bhaskara Bhatla. SR Pashoam and MGK Praveen are providing music. Kulasekhar and Sashi are the lyricists.

Addressing the gathering Srinu Vaitla said, “Chandu is known to me right from the time I shifted to Hyderabad. He became successful as a director with two films in a short period. Songs and trailers of this film are attractive. Cinematography is excellent. It’s needless to say that Charmi will do justice to her character. I congratulate Pulagam C Narayana on this occasion.”

Sukumar commented, “Pulagam C Narayana entered the film industry late, but did a good job. He forms good sentences using good words. I will see Charmi’s character as a character only.”

Chandra Siddharth said, “This film is being made with a bold theme. I’m very happy to note that a good technician like Chandu is handling this subject. Charmi is the apt heroine for such conceptual movies. She is a big asset to the film. We were to introduce Pulagam C Narayana as dialogue writer through our film a year ago, but somehow we missed it. I’m happy that he is making his debut with this film.”

Meher Ramesh said, “The movie is visually attractive as well as musically too. Charmi earned special image with ‘Mantra’ and ‘Mangala’. I’m happy that Palagam garu is making his debut as writer through this film. He will be a tough competitor for today’s writers. Journalists turning directors is the latest trend in movie industry.”

Madan said, “Chandu earned good name with ‘Note Book’ and Tenth Class’. I saw both the films and I liked ‘Note Book’ music a lot. I understood that Chandu has got a good music sense. I liked the song ‘Swachamaina Manasu….’ song in this film. Only Charmi can do such roles. I like Pulagam’s articles and books. I wish him all the best for earning a good name as writer.”

Suresh Kondeti said, “I’m one among those who wish for the success of Charmi’s films. Pulagam C Narayana was with me right from the time I launched my magazine ‘Santhosham’. He entered the industry late as a writer. I’m confident that he would become a director in future also. I wish him to become a No. 1 writer.”

Charmi said, “I have heard a lot of stories on prostitution backdrop. But I did not accept any so far. I even rejected Chandu’s story initially. However I agreed to do later after watching his earlier films and was impressed with his working style. When I narrated the script to a girl named Pareeba, she asked me to proceed with it blindly. Hence I’m dedicating this film to her. Initially I feared thinking how Chandu would portray me in the role of prostitute. However, he crafted the movie without any vulgor scenes. I was mesmerized with the dialogues written by Pulagam C Narayana. To tell in one word, I’ve become a great fan of him.”

Director Chandu said, “Tenth Class gave me a life as director. Srinu Vaitla was the main reason for me to become a director. I’m aware of how he struggled to come up to this stage. Similarly Sukumar and Vinayak supported me right from the beginning. The audience appreciated my ‘Tenth Class’ movie and hence it prompted me to take ‘Note Book’ also which did not impress them. Now, I’m coming up with this film the script of which I wrote even before ‘Tenth Class’. Soundarya was supposed to do this role. But finally the role went to Charmi. She initially rejected my offer but then I convinced her later. Music is apt. Cameraman Satyajith Ray was trained in a film institute. Dialogues are very prominent in this film. Pulagam is known to me for quite long time. He penned dialogues in a higher standard than what I expected. My producers live in US, so they have handed over the entire responsibility to me.”
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Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release
Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release
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Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release
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Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release
Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release Prema Oka Maikam Audio Release