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Raj Tarun to skip media interviews?


Raj Tarun may limit promotional activities for his upcoming film 'Tiragabadara Saami', possibly opting for pre-arranged interviews instead of directly facing the media. This comes after facing recent allegations from his former partner, Lavanya.

The actor has been accused of entering into a relationship with his co-star, Malvi Malhotra, one of the female leads in 'Tiragabadara Saami'. The makers of the movie, Suraksh Entertainments Media, are yet to announce the release date of the romantic family drama.

Given the recent allegations, it's understandable if Raj Tarun feels apprehensive interacting with journalists, especially in open forums like QnAs or group interviews. Prioritizing his mental well-being is crucial as he gears up for his comeback film, 'Tiragabadara Saami'. After all, a clear headspace is key to peace of mind!