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Lavanya accuses Raj Tarun, Malvi Malhotra of stealing gold


Lavanya is accusing her estranged partner Raj Tarun and budding actress Malvi Malhotra of stealing her gold jewelry worth a whopping 12 lakhs! In her latest police complaint, she says Raj Tarun stole it all to cover up their marriage. She even claims he took her wedding chain and other stuff related to their marriage.

Weeks after Lavanya first lodged a police complaint against the 'Uyyala Jampala' actor, the drama continues. News channels continue to interview her to extract juicy bits of information about her tussle with Raj Tarun. Lavanya has been accusing Malvi of being Raj Tarun's girlfriend.

On his part, the actor had two releases recently: 'Thiragabadara Saami' and 'Purushotthamudu'. He awaits the release of 'Bhale Unnade' on September 13. The actor, this time, hasn't yet faced the media for an open QnA session but has done a special interview hosted by 'The Raja Saab' director Maruthi. Written and directed by J Sivasai Vardhan, the rom-com has Raj Tarun as a husband suffering from lack of libido and interest in consummation.