'8119 Miles', a critically-acclaimed film, is directed by Joe Eshwar. The news is that NET5, a promising OTT platform, is going to stream the sensible movie from the evening of February 5 (from 5PM).
The film is about the journey of a mechanic from Goa to the UK. His big dream is to visit the UK at least once in life. When he fails to secure a Visa, the mechanic decided to reach the country through the routes chosen by illegal miners. He wanders all the way to the UK. On his journey, he bumps into people from various cultures and faiths. He is witness to a variety of landscapes and people, something that shapes his thinking in profound ways.
Joe Eshwar has previously directed 'Kunthapura' with Charu Hasan, Anu Hasan and others. '8119 Miles' has been to several international festivals, and won the applause of film pundits.
Joe has directed 26 documentaries so far and is based in the UK.